
Studies underway to extend Valparaíso rail system

Studies underway to extend Valparaíso rail system

Chile's Valparaíso region (V) metro operator (Merval) is seeking to expand its rail network in central Chile.

A prefeasibility study underway is examining the possibility of extending rail services to the cities of La Calera and Quillota, with the results to be presented in March 2016, BNamericas has learned.

Additionally, a tender is being prepared for a market study to extend the services to the cities of Concón and Reñaca, to be followed later by a tender call for a pre-feasibility study, with the result expected by December 2016.

Merval is a subsidiary of Chile's state rail firm EFE.

Merval's current network, extending from Valparaíso to the city of Limache (CREDIT: Merval).

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