
Spotlight: Brazil’s offshore decommissioning

Spotlight: Brazil’s offshore decommissioning

Petrobras unanchored the P-32 FPSO in the Campos basin Marlim field on November 23 as the first floating platform to follow the new model for the sustainable disposal of vessels adopted by the Brazilian federal oil company. 

The floating production unit will be recycled by the Ecovix (Engevix) group at the Rio Grande shipyard in Rio Grande do Sul state, with the scrap going to steelmaker Gerdau.

Another 11 floating units will follow the same guidelines over the next five years. 

The platform's recycling plan, drawn up by Gerdau-Ecovix, includes everything from the first procedures for receiving the unit, through the dismantling work, which will take place in a dry dock, to the final disposal of the waste resulting from disassembly.

The P-32 FPSO. Geraldo Falcão/ Petrobras

Announced last week, Petrobras' 2024-28 business plan foresees an investment of US$11.4bn in decommissioning projects.

Of the total capex, 71% will be directed to the Campos basin, 23% to the north and northeast regions, 5% to the Santos basin and 1% to other basins. 

There will be 23 platforms decommissioned, 14 of which are floating and nine fixed, as well as approximately 1,900km of flexible lines (subsea pipelines) and 550 wells.

After 2028, Petrobras estimates that another 40 platforms will have to be decommissioned, 35 of them fixed and five floating. 

At the moment, the state-run firm is carrying out the auction for the sustainable disposal of FPSO P-33, which is also located in Marlim, and will follow the same decommissioning model as P-32.

Discovered in 1985, Marlim will have eight platforms removed. In their place, the new FPSOs Anna Nery and Anita Garibaldi have been installed as part of the field's revitalization program.

Brazil’s oil and gas watchdog ANP projects that offshore decommissioning activities in the country will require 51.5bn reais in investments between 2023 and 2027, with around 40bn reais earmarked for projects in the Campos basin. 

According to the regulatory agency, there are at least four platforms with an approved decommissioning program that have not yet been removed: P-33 and P-37 in Marlim, the Capixaba FPSO in the Cachalote field, and the Fluminense FPSO in Bijupirá/Salema.

Shell, the operator of Bijupirá, recently contracted Subsea 7 to decommission the subsea infrastructure associated with FPSO Fluminense.

The scope of the contract includes the disconnection, recovery and disposal of 10 flexible risers, three umbilicals and nine mooring lines. Work at sea is scheduled to begin in December.

The other offshore decommissioning plans approved (and not closed) by the ANP are as follows:

Decommissioning program Operator Basin Status
Baúna Sul Petrobras Santos Approved
Camarão Norte Petrobras Camamu Approved
Carapiá Petrobras Santos Approved
Remaining pipelines of the Pampo and Enchova fields Petrobras Campos Approved
Capixaba FPSO Petrobras Espírito Santo Approved
Cidade de Niterói FPSO Petrobras Campos Approved
Cidade de Rio das Ostras Petrobras Campos Approved
Cidade de Santos Petrobras Santos Approved
Cidade do Rio de Janeiro Petrobras Campos Approved
Fluminense FPSO Shell Campos Approved
Petrojarl I FPSO Enauta
Santos Approved
Campos Approved
Guaiuba Petrobras Potiguar Approved
Guajá Petrobras Potiguar Approved
Marlim Sul Petrobras Campos Approved
Mexilhão (Cedro) Petrobras Santos Approved
Monoboia de PRA-1 Petrobras Campos Approved
Moreia Petrobras Campos Suspended
Nordeste de Namorado Petrobras Campos Suspended
P-27 Petrobras Campos Approved
Petrobras 07 Petrobras Campos Approved
Petrobras 12 Petrobras Campos Approved
Petrobras 15 Petrobras Campos Approved
Petrobras 20 Petrobras Campos Approved
Petrobras 26 Petrobras Campos Approved
Petrobras 33 Petrobras Campos Approved
Pirapitanga Petrobras Santos Approved
Plataforma 3R-4 3R Petroleum
Potiguar Received
Plataforma 3R-5 3R Petroleum Potiguar Approved
Plataforma Biquara 1 Petrobras Potiguar Approved
Plataforma de Agulha 3 Petrobras Potiguar Received
Plataforma de Arabaiana 3 Petrobras Potiguar Suspended
Plataforma de Caioba 1 Petrobras Sergipe Received
Plataforma de Caioba 2 Petrobras Sergipe Received
Plataforma de Caioba 3 Petrobras Sergipe Received
Plataforma de Caioba 4 Petrobras Sergipe Received
Plataforma PCM-11 de Camorim Petrobras Sergipe Received
Salema Branca Petrobras Potiguar Approved
Salgo Petrobras Sergipe Suspended
Sardinha Petrobras Camamu Received
Siri Petrobras Potiguar Approved
SPA 2 do campo de Mero - conceitual Petrobras Santos Approved
Tambuatá Petrobras Santos Approved
Tubarão Azul Dommo Energia
Campos Approved

Source: BNamericas based on ANP data

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