Company Profile

Acciona Construcción S.A. Sucursal Perú

Get all the information about Acciona Construcción S.A. Sucursal Perú, a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Peru, which include Access roadsNatural Gas GenerationGeothermalWastewater treatment plantsRenewableBypassesSocial InfrastructureMetroRemediationThermoWater transferSolarCoal GenerationGenerationWater pipelinesWaste managementPhotovoltaicBridgeFreight railwayWindProductivity / EfficiencySurface waterWater reservoirRoadsTidal/Wave energyDetention centerHazardous wastewaterIndustrial water efficiencyWaste treatment plantsHazardous wasteDredgingWater chemicalsPotable water treatment plantsBeltwaysLandfillsWater shortagesLight rail / Interurban trainPotable waterSewer networksOffshore WindHighways - RoadsWater levelsHigh speed trainRail lineIndustrial wasteWater & WasteThermosolar CSPNuclearWasteCorridorsRolling stockDamsMonorailEPC Contractor CompanyIrrigation systemFossil fuelsHydro DamGlaciersSchoolsWater utilitiesPaving WorksRail TransportTunnelWidening WorksDesalination plantOnshore WindBunker oil/Diesel oilMini HydroHospitalHydroDistribution networkDrainageGroundwaterBorder complexRun of the riverCombined cycleWater metersAgriculture & Industrial WaterIndustrial wastewaterWastewaters reuseFuel oilsPotable water systemTariffsSports centersFlood controlWastewater and Biomass. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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