Company Profile

Acciona Construcción S.A. Sucursal Perú

Get all the information about Acciona Construcción S.A. Sucursal Perú, a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Peru, which include HospitalTunnelWater reservoirGroundwaterBridgePaving WorksDistribution networkLight rail / Interurban trainCombined cycleSurface waterBunker oil/Diesel oilDredgingBypassesWaste treatment plantsGlaciersLandfillsBiomassIndustrial wastewaterHydroPotable water treatment plantsOffshore WindHighways - RoadsPotable water systemMini HydroOnshore WindWastewaterSewer networksSchoolsEPC Contractor CompanyMetroNuclearRolling stockTariffsRenewableIrrigation systemBorder complexFossil fuelsRail TransportMonorailWaste managementWasteWater transferProductivity / EfficiencyRun of the riverTidal/Wave energyDesalination plantFreight railwayIndustrial water efficiencySports centersWater metersWater pipelinesRoadsWater utilitiesFuel oilsWidening WorksDrainageHazardous wastewaterWater shortagesHazardous wasteBeltwaysPotable waterWastewaters reuseAgriculture & Industrial WaterFlood controlWater chemicalsWater & WasteHigh speed trainWater levelsRail lineNatural Gas GenerationThermosolar CSPAccess roadsWastewater treatment plantsHydro DamIndustrial wasteRemediationCorridorsSocial InfrastructureGeothermalWindPhotovoltaicDetention centerDamsCoal GenerationGenerationThermo and Solar. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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