United States
Company Profile

Aecom Technology Corp. (Aecom)

Get all the information about Aecom Technology Corp. (Aecom), a company operating mainly in the Oil & GasElectric Power and Mining & Metals sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in United States, which include Dry portsBridgeMultimodalGroundwaterSewer networksPotable water systemIndustrial wastewaterPotable water treatment plantsIndustrial ContractingWater reservoirStatisticsDistribution networkBulk commodity terminalsPort efficiencyMetroBypassesWaterwaysSurface waterPaving WorksInland PortTunnelOther (Contractor Companies)Post-PanamaxPassenger terminalsRolling stockMarket Prices and ForecastsWastewaterGlaciersBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)Water transferMonorailPort authoritiesWastewater treatment plantsDeepwater portStudiesTariffsWastewaters reuseCanalWater metersEngineering Contractor CompanyProductivity / EfficiencyWidening WorksPortPassenger transportShipping companiesFluvialMultimodalCranesOil terminalsDrainageWater utilitiesRail TransportRoadsFreight railwayTradeContainer terminalsHigh speed trainPort HubAccess roadsWater chemicalsDredgingPotable waterCorridorsHazardous wastewaterMulti-purpose portsHighways - RoadsRail lineLight rail / Interurban trainPorts & Shipping and Beltways. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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