United States
Company Profile

Anixter Colombia S.A.

Get all the information about Anixter Colombia S.A., a company operating mainly in the PetrochemicalsMining & MetalsICTElectric PowerOil & GasInfrastructure and Water & Waste sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in United States, which include Local telephonyFiberDocumentingInfraSecondary DistributionDownstreamDTH /  SatellitePrivate LinksWater metersSubseaRefineriesOil PipelinesTight gasStorage TerminalsWi-Fi/WiMaxTrainingPotable waterWeb serverSurface waterMobile broadbandTower, DuctPersonal computersOpen pit miningSewer networksUnconventionalsBiofuelsGas ProcessingBack upTestingHousing & Providers5gWater chemicalsWi-FiLiquefactionProduction FacilitiesDatabasesNetworksDeepwaterLogistics / Supply ChainsSubstationsConventionalsIndirectConsultancyServices TabletsDetention centerMicrowaveSatellite broadbandMobileOnshoreProspecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resourcesPublic telephonyBrentOil & GasIndustrial ServicesMainframes & ServersDistribution networkDrainageStorageSelling & distributionPrimary DistributionHospitalMobile devicesManaged ServicesMidstreamShallow watersSatelliteSystems engineeringIPTVNetwork UpgradesHeavy oilWater utilitiesIntegration platformsBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)Potable water systemMexican MixWTIOffshoreSmall cellsTransmission LinesCoalbed methaneLNGNatural Gas DistributionUpstreamWastewaters reuseSports centersGas pipelinesMPLSFixed telephonyRegasificationRadial Type of extractionOTTIP TelephonyGeological mapping / SurveysHazardous wastewaterCall CenterCargo terminalLong distanceData centersInternetFuel SalesOil sandsStructured cablingProductivity / EfficiencyCrude oilTankersSchools4G LTEPotable water treatment plantsLocationMobile infraConverged servicesRural Electrification systemsHardwareMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products Type of hydrocarbonsBus rapid transit (BRT) systemUnderground miningSocial InfrastructureSaaS, PaaS, IaaSShale gas Cloud servicesCable TVDistributionLTE-MBorder complexBilling systemNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeShale OilIndustrial Equipment SupplierTypes of miningWater transferWater reservoirTransmissionDirectPay TVCable, copper, other infraGreen HydrogenCorporate ServicesProductionAppsDrilling rigsBackboneNatural GasGlaciersWastewaterFixed3GGroundwaterIndustrial wastewaterFixed broadbandSmart Grids and Wastewater treatment plants. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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