United States

Anixter de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.

Get all the information about Anixter de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., a company operating mainly in the Water & WasteElectric PowerPetrochemicalsMining & MetalsInfrastructureICT and Oil & Gas sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in United States, which include Data centersStructured cablingIndustrial Equipment SupplierWater reservoirCrude oilMobileDistribution networkGroundwaterDirectSatelliteMicrowaveCable TV4G LTEWastewaterRural Electrification systemsBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)HospitalFuel SalesAppsMPLSDeepwaterNatural Gas DistributionTypes of miningFixedIP TelephonyTransmission LinesIndustrial wastewaterCoalbed methaneBilling systemMainframes & ServersServices Primary DistributionMidstreamGreen HydrogenDrainageOpen pit miningWi-Fi/WiMaxProductivity / EfficiencyNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeRadial Cargo terminalSelling & distributionWater metersMexican MixNetwork UpgradesBiofuelsConverged servicesRegasificationTankersUpstreamWater chemicalsLTE-MMobile infraIntegration platformsShallow watersInfraGas pipelinesPotable waterPersonal computersCall CenterWTIMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products Logistics / Supply ChainsFixed telephonyOffshoreConventionalsDownstreamHardwareDTH /  SatelliteOTTSecondary DistributionOil & GasLNGProduction FacilitiesPublic telephonyWi-FiSmall cellsTabletsTestingConsultancyIndirectInternetBrentSatellite broadbandStorageSurface waterWeb server5gPay TVMobile broadbandTower, DuctMobile devicesHousing & ProvidersGlaciersTrainingCloud servicesBackboneDrilling rigsSewer networksRefineriesNetworksDatabasesPotable water systemUnconventionalsBack upDocumentingIPTVSocial InfrastructureUnderground miningLocal telephonySubstationsFiberWater utilitiesSaaS, PaaS, IaaSDetention centerSystems engineeringManaged ServicesHeavy oilSubseaIndustrial ServicesOil PipelinesPrivate LinksDistributionOnshoreLong distanceCorporate ServicesHazardous wastewaterStorage TerminalsTight gasTransmissionType of extractionWastewater treatment plantsProspecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resourcesSmart GridsNatural GasFixed broadbandSports centers3GGas ProcessingProductionWastewaters reuseCable, copper, other infraType of hydrocarbonsLocationLiquefactionBorder complexSchoolsBus rapid transit (BRT) systemPotable water treatment plantsShale gas Shale OilWater transferOil sands and Geological mapping / Surveys. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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