Company Profile

Asociación Chilena de Empresas de Tecnología de Información A.G. (ACTI)

Get all the information about Asociación Chilena de Empresas de Tecnología de Información A.G. (ACTI), a company operating mainly in the ICT sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Chile, which include AppsIntegration platformsCorporate ServicesHousing & ProvidersMobile broadbandStatisticsInternetBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)Data centersSelling & distributionTrainingDirectIP TelephonySystems engineeringProgramming & DevelopingPrivate LinksStructured cablingPay TVSatellite broadbandManaged ServicesSaaS, PaaS, IaaSConsultancyIndirectDTH /  SatelliteStudiesServices Local telephonyOTTWi-FiCloud servicesTestingMobileConverged servicesFixed broadbandPublic telephonyOther (Government - Associations - NGOs)Cable TV5gMarket Prices and ForecastsLong distanceFixed telephonyBack upMPLSCall CenterDocumenting and IPTV. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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