Company Profile

Azertia Tecnologías de la Información Venezuela S.A. (Azertia Tecnologías de la Información Venezuela)

Get all the information about Azertia Tecnologías de la Información Venezuela S.A. (Azertia Tecnologías de la Información Venezuela), a company operating mainly in the InsuranceICTInfrastructureBankingOil & GasWater & Waste and Electric Power sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Spain, which include Local telephonyFiberDocumentingInfraSecondary DistributionDownstreamDTH /  SatellitePrivate LinksPensions & AnnuitySubseaRefineriesTight gasStorage TerminalsWi-Fi/WiMaxTrainingWeb serverBig DataMobile broadbandTower, DuctPersonal computersBiofuelsGas ProcessingBack upLife insuranceTestingHousing & Providers5gSecurityApp. serverWi-FiLiquefactionProduction FacilitiesDatabasesNetworksDeepwaterSubstationsIndirectConsultancyInsuranceTabletsCRMFintechMicrowaveSatellite broadbandMobileProjects developmentOnshorePublic telephonyProgramming & DevelopingBrentMainframes & ServersDistribution networkStorageSelling & distributionPrimary DistributionMobile devicesManaged ServicesShallow watersReinsuranceSatelliteSystems engineeringIPTVNetwork UpgradesHeavy oilPrivate banking & managementIntegration platformsBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)Mexican MixWTIOffshoreOperating systemsStudiesSmall cellsCoalbed methaneNatural Gas DistributionUpstreamInsurtechMPLSFixed telephonySoftwareRegasificationRadial OTTIP TelephonyGeological mapping / SurveysCall CenterLong distanceData centersInternetFuel SalesOil sandsStructured cablingCrude oil4G LTELocationMobile infraRural Electrification systemsHardwareType of hydrocarbonsERPSoftware Development CompanySaaS, PaaS, IaaSShale gas Development ToolsCloud servicesCable TVDistributionLTE-MNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeShale OilDirectPay TVCable, copper, other infraGreen HydrogenNon-life InsuranceCorporate ServicesAppsDrilling rigsStatisticsBackboneMarket Prices and ForecastsNatural GasFixed3GFixed broadband and Smart Grids. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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