Company Profile

Azertia Tecnologías de la Información Argentina S.A. (Azertia Tecnologías de la Información Argentina)

Get all the information about Azertia Tecnologías de la Información Argentina S.A. (Azertia Tecnologías de la Información Argentina), a company operating mainly in the InsuranceInfrastructureBankingElectric PowerICTOil & Gas and Water & Waste sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Spain, which include Network UpgradesManaged ServicesConverged servicesFixed broadbandLTE-MShale OilSmart GridsNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeSubstationsCall CenterReinsuranceCable, copper, other infraIntegration platformsLong distanceSystems engineeringCloud servicesDistributionNatural GasCRMSaaS, PaaS, IaaSPay TVCoalbed methaneSelling & distributionPrivate banking & managementHeavy oilTrainingCorporate ServicesStatisticsOnshoreSoftwareBackbonePensions & AnnuitySubseaMarket Prices and ForecastsMPLSMobile broadbandNatural Gas DistributionDirectSecurityLiquefactionApps5gLocationFuel SalesDevelopment ToolsCable TVInsurtechDatabasesDrilling rigsTower, DuctType of hydrocarbonsGeological mapping / SurveysOil sandsStorage TerminalsShale gas Satellite broadbandApp. serverMainframes & ServersShallow watersPrimary DistributionSoftware Development CompanyPublic telephonyInsuranceFixedPersonal computers3GBiofuelsGas ProcessingLife insuranceMobileNon-life InsuranceMexican MixERPFiberServices Data centersLocal telephonyDeepwaterTight gasGreen HydrogenPrivate LinksIPTVIP TelephonyNetworksRural Electrification systemsInternetHousing & ProvidersRefineriesDistribution networkOperating systemsFixed telephonyOffshoreStudiesWeb serverDownstreamProduction FacilitiesHardwareDTH /  SatelliteBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)DocumentingInfraMobile infraBack up4G LTEFintechMicrowaveCrude oilRegasificationProjects developmentSatelliteWi-FiTabletsRadial UpstreamMobile devicesStructured cablingBig DataTestingWTISmall cellsStorageSecondary DistributionOTTWi-Fi/WiMaxBrentProgramming & DevelopingConsultancy and Indirect. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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