Company Profile

Bioceánico Aconcagua S.A. (Bioceánico Aconcagua)

Get all the information about Bioceánico Aconcagua S.A. (Bioceánico Aconcagua), a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Argentina, which include Oil terminalsLocal telephonyDocumentingDownstreamDTH /  SatellitePrivate LinksMultilateralsSubseaRefineriesOil PipelinesRailway OperatorTight gasStorage TerminalsTrainingPortMobile broadbandindustrial EngineeringUnconventionalsBiofuelsGas ProcessingBack upTestingHousing & Providers5gMultimodalWi-FiLiquefactionProduction FacilitiesDredgingShipping companiesDeepwaterConventionalsIndirectConsultancyServices Inland PortSatellite broadbandMobileOnshorePublic telephonyBrentOil & GasFluvialSelling & distributionDry portsManaged ServicesMidstreamShallow watersTraffic / CargoSystems engineeringIPTVPassenger terminalsPost-PanamaxHeavy oilIntegration platformsBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)Port authoritiesMexican MixWTIOffshoreConsumptionCoalbed methaneLNGNatural Gas DistributionMulti-purpose portsUpstreamGas pipelinesMPLSFixed telephonyRegasificationPort HubType of extractionCranesOTTIP TelephonyGeological mapping / SurveysCall CenterTradeLong distanceData centersInternetFuel SalesOil sandsStructured cablingPorts & ShippingCrude oilTankersContainer terminalsLocationConverged servicesType of hydrocarbonsWaterwaysSaaS, PaaS, IaaSShale gas Cloud servicesCable TVNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeShale OilPort efficiencyDirectPay TVGreen HydrogenCorporate ServicesAppsDrilling rigsCanalNatural GasDeepwater portBulk commodity terminals and Fixed broadband. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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