Company Profile

Cementos Artigas

Get all the information about Cementos Artigas, a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Uruguay, which include Industrial Materials Supplier. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.


The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatically translated.

CEMENTOS ARTIGAS SA has been in the market for the production and sale of cement for the construction industry since 1919, being the pioneer and only company in its field in Uruguay until the middle of the 20th century. Since its inception, it has participated in the active development of the country's modern infrastructure, including emblematic works such as the Palacio Salvo. Starting in 1996, it diversified its activity to the field of ready-mix concrete. The company currently has two industrial plants, one in Minas, Lavalleja, which produces the immediate precursor of cement (Clinker) in a modern dry process, and a grinding and shipping plant in Sayago, Montevideo, which completes the industrial process. and commercial cement. At the same time, it produces and sells ready-mix concrete through two fixed plants established in Montevideo and Maldonado, and several mobile plants that assist in large-scale works in the interior of the country. We work every day to offer the best quality (both through our products and services) and so that all our management and operations are based on environmental, social and economic sustainability.

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  • Position: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
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  • Position: CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
  • Phone: Blurred
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  • Position: Business Development Manager
  • Phone: Blurred
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  • Position: Project Manager
  • Phone: Blurred
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  • Name Blurred
  • Position: Head of Procurement
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  • Position: HR Director
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: HR Director
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  • Position: Production manager
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  • Position: Marketing manager
  • Phone: Blurred
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  • Name Blurred
  • Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred

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Company Information

Cementos Artigas
Business name
Cementos Artigas
María Orticochea 4707 12900, Montevideo
Corporate email