Companhia Docas de São Sebastião (CDSS)
Get all the information about Companhia Docas de São Sebastião (CDSS), a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Brazil. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.
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Key contacts
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- Name
- Position: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Business Development Manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Project Manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Head of Procurement
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: HR Director
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: HR Director
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Production manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Marketing manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
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Other projects in: Infrastructure (Brazil)
Get critical information about thousands of Infrastructure projects in Latin America: what stages they're in, capex, related companies, contacts and more.
- Project: 20 de Setembro international airport
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 week ago
- Project: Mamoré river international bridge Guayaramerín - Guajará - Mirim
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 week ago
- Project: Central-East Railway Corridor
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 week ago
- Project: EF-A20 Corumbá Railway from Goiás to Anápolis/GO
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 week ago
- Project: EF-355 Railway, Planalto Central Railway, Unaí - Campos Verdes
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 week ago
- Project: EF-456 Minas Espírito Santo, Barra de São Francisco - Santana do Paraíso Railway (São Mateus/ES to Ipatinga/MG)
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 week ago
- Project: Juscelino Kubitschek Railway (EFJK) (Sao Mateus-Barra de Sao Francisco-Brasilia, EF-030)
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 week ago
- Project: Paraguay - Parana water connection
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 week ago
- Project: CONCESSION: Transnordestina Railway
- Current stage:
- Updated:
2 weeks ago
- Project: Suape port container terminal (Tecon 2)
- Current stage:
- Updated:
2 weeks ago
Other companies in: Infrastructure (Brazil)
Get critical information about thousands of Infrastructure companies in Latin America: their projects, contacts, shareholders, related news and more.
- Company: Contécnica Consultoria Técnica  (Contécnica)
The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been machine tra...
- Company: Porto Central Complexo Industrial Portuário SA  (Porto Central)
Porto Central, a company shared in a 30:70 between the Dutch Port of Rotterdam and the Brazilian TPK Logística, was formed to develop a port project in the town of Presidente Ke...
- Company: ECO101 Concessionária de Rodovias S.A.  (ECO101)
ECO101 Concessionária de Rodovias S.A is a subsidiary of Grupo EcoRodovias. The company holds the concession for a 475km stretch of the BR-101 highway that runs through 25 munic...
- Company: Sulcatarinense Mineração, Artefatos de Cimento, Britagem e Construções Ltda.  (Sulcatarinense)
Sulcatarinense Mineração, Artefatos de Cimento, Britagem e Construções Ltda. (Sulcatarinense) is a Brazilian engineering and construction company founded in 1982 and headquarter...
- Company: TPF Engenharia Ltda.  (TPF Engenharia)
The description contained in this profile is taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been machine tran...
- Company: Secretaria de Infraestrutura do Estado de Bahia  (SEINFRA Bahia)
The Secretariat of Infrastructure of Bahia State (Secretaria de Infraestrutura do Estado de Bahia, SEINFRA Bahia) is a Brazilian government body operating in the Federative Unit...
- Company: Imetame Logística Porto
The description included in this profile was taken directly from an AI source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers. However, it may have been automatica...
- Company: Mendes Júnior Trading e Engenharia S.A.  (Mendes Júnior)
Brazilian firm Mendes Junior Engenharia is engaged in heavy construction and civil engineering sector. It is involved in the development and construction of various projects, in...
- Company: Afonso Franca Construcoes e Comercio Ltda  (Afonso França Engenharia)
The description contained in this profile is taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been machine tran...
- Company: Ausenco do Brasil Engenharia Limitada  (Ausenco do Brasil)
Ausenco do Brasil offers engineering, studies and projects, geotechnical, administration, inspection and planning services for the mining and metals, oil and gas and industrial ...
News in: Infrastructure (Brazil)
Back to school: Education sector PPPs set to rise in Brazil
São Paulo state recently auctioned PPP contracts for 33 new public schools.
Spotlight: The remainder of Brazil’s 2024 tender pipeline
BNamericas looks at the concession and PPP auctions planned for the rest of the year in the infrastructure, water, electric power and mining sectors.