Company Profile

Concesiones Integrales S.A de C.V. (Agua de Puebla)

Get all the information about Concesiones Integrales S.A de C.V. (Agua de Puebla), a company operating mainly in the Water & Waste sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Mexico, which include Water and Sewage Company. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.


The description contained in this profile was extracted directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been machine-translated.

The Agua Puebla consortium is in charge of the concession for the provision of public services of drinking water, drainage, sewerage, sanitation and wastewater disposal in the Municipality of Puebla, and the specific territorial districts of the Municipalities of Cuautlancingo, San Pedro Cholula, San Andrés Cholula and Amozoc.

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Key contacts

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  • Name Blurred
  • Position: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: Business Development Manager
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: Project Manager
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: Head of Procurement
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: HR Director
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: HR Director
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: Production manager
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: Marketing manager
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred

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  • Project: La Laja dam
  • Current stage: Blurred
  • Updated: 1 month ago

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Company Information

Agua de Puebla
Business name
Concesiones Integrales S.A de C.V.
Calle 24 Sur 501, Local 38, Centro Comercial Finanzas 72501 Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla, México.
Corporate email