Company Profile

Confipetrol S.A.S. (Confipetrol)

Get all the information about Confipetrol S.A.S. (Confipetrol), a company operating mainly in the Oil & GasElectric Power and Mining & Metals sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Colombia, which include Underground miningTypes of miningNetwork UpgradesNatural Gas GenerationSmart GridsShale OilDeepwaterGeothermalRenewablePrimary DistributionOil & GasBrentNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeThermoIllegal miningSolarCoal GenerationGenerationMidstreamType of hydrocarbonsPhotovoltaicConventionalsWindDistributionOil sandsOnshoreGeological mapping / SurveysShale gas Type of extractionBiofuelsOil PipelinesTight gasTidal/Wave energyCrude oilLPGLocationFuel SalesProspecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resourcesUnconventionalsOpen pit miningTankersGas ProcessingOffshore WindWater levelsLiquefactionThermosolar CSPSecondary DistributionRural Electrification systemsSubseaNuclearDownstreamWTIProduction FacilitiesRefineriesFossil fuelsHydro DamCoalbed methaneNatural Gas DistributionGreen HydrogenStorage TerminalsRadial Onshore WindBunker oil/Diesel oilDrilling rigsMini HydroHydroMexican MixRegasificationHeavy oilConstruction Contractor CompanyRun of the riverCombined cycleLNGShallow watersGas pipelinesFuel oilsUpstreamOffshoreSubstationsEngineering Contractor CompanyNatural Gas and Biomass. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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