Company Profile

Construcciones Electromecánicas del Oeste S.A. (Ceosa)

Get all the information about Construcciones Electromecánicas del Oeste S.A. (Ceosa), a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Argentina, which include Green HydrogenRefineriesMonorailSubseaFuel SalesWastewaterRail lineWTILight rail / Interurban trainDownstreamCoalbed methaneWater reservoirConstruction Contractor CompanyLNGCorridorsRolling stockPotable water systemHeavy oilGas pipelinesWater utilitiesRegasificationMexican MixDrilling rigsFiberOnshoreOil PipelinesNatural GasWastewaters reuseTransmission LinesNatural Gas DistributionTunnelDrainageGroundwaterWastewater treatment plantsDistribution networkIndustrial wastewaterTransmissionGlaciersWater transferOil sandsBrentShallow watersWater chemicalsMidstreamGas ProcessingPotable waterBeltwaysShale gas Geological mapping / SurveysAccess roadsHazardous wastewaterConventionalsType of hydrocarbonsWidening WorksStorage TerminalsTight gasShale OilNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeType of extractionWater metersUnconventionalsSewer networksTankersBiofuelsBridgeindustrial EngineeringRail TransportFreight railwayHighways - RoadsSurface waterLiquefactionPaving WorksHigh speed trainRoadsBypassesCrude oilPotable water treatment plantsProduction Facilities and Metro. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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