Company Profile

Empresa Mendocina de Energía (EMESA Argentina)

Get all the information about Empresa Mendocina de Energía (EMESA Argentina), a company operating mainly in the Oil & Gas and Electric Power sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Argentina, which include SolarNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeMidstreamGenerationBrentShallow watersPrimary DistributionCoal GenerationRenewableRun of the riverRadial TransmissionType of extractionNatural Gas GenerationShale OilOil PipelinesStorage TerminalsTight gasShale gas ConventionalsOil sandsGeological mapping / SurveysProduction FacilitiesGeothermalThermoLocationLiquefactionElectric Power ProducerCrude oilDeepwaterCoalbed methaneTidal/Wave energyGas ProcessingBiofuelsRural Electrification systemsTankersUnconventionalsOffshore WindWater levelsFuel SalesRefineriesHydroSecondary DistributionSubseaBunker oil/Diesel oilPhotovoltaicGreen HydrogenWindDistributionOnshoreFossil fuelsLNGUpstreamType of hydrocarbonsSubstationsNatural Gas DistributionFuel oilsTransmission LinesWTIMexican MixHeavy oilCombined cycleOil & GasHydro DamThermosolar CSPDrilling rigsSmart GridsNatural GasMini HydroDownstreamOnshore WindNetwork UpgradesRegasificationNuclearOffshoreGas pipelines and Biomass. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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