Company Profile

Erkat Spezialmaschinen und Service GmbH (Erkat)

Get all the information about Erkat Spezialmaschinen und Service GmbH (Erkat), a company operating mainly in the Oil & GasInfrastructure and Mining & Metals sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Germany, which include Oil terminalsCorridorsIodineUraniumDiamondSulphurIrrigation systemLimeRail lineRail TransportWater metersNickelPotashWasteMinerals & MetalsLimestoneWaste managementHazardous wastePotable waterSurface waterPortIron oreOpen pit miningCopperSewer networksOther base metalsMetallicSilverWater chemicalsMultimodalLithiumDredgingShipping companiesOther Precious metalsMetroPlatinumPhosphateRemediationBypassesIllegal miningInland PortDetention centerBridgeProspecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resourcesRare earth elements (REE)FluvialAccess roadsDistribution networkDrainageTunnelWidening WorksHospitalCoalDry portsWater pipelinesPassenger terminalsPost-PanamaxWater utilitiesAgriculture & Industrial WaterPotable water systemNon metallicPort authoritiesLeadDamsFlood controlMulti-purpose portsIndustrial wasteBorateWastewaters reuseSports centersWater shortagesAlumina / AluminumCobaltVanadiumRolling stockTitaniumPort HubCranesIndustrial water efficiencyPrecious stonesAntimonyMonorailCement plantLight rail / Interurban trainHazardous wastewaterFreight railwayWaste treatment plantsBeltwaysRoadsPorts & ShippingMolybdenumPaving WorksContainer terminalsSchoolsSteelHigh speed trainPotable water treatment plantsLandfillsMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products ZincTungstenHighways - RoadsBauxiteUnderground miningWaterwaysSocial InfrastructurePalladiumBorder complexIndustrial Equipment SupplierTypes of miningWater transferManganeseWater reservoirPort efficiencyGraphiteNiobiumCanalTinGlaciersWastewaterDeepwater portBulk commodity terminalsWater & WasteGroundwaterIndustrial wastewaterDesalination plantGold and Wastewater treatment plants. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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