Explorageo Servicios Geológicos (Explorageo)
Get all the information about Explorageo Servicios Geológicos (Explorageo), a company operating mainly in the Mining & Metals and Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Chile, which include Mining Companies. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.
The description contained in this profile was extracted directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been machine-translated.
We are a mining exploration consultancy based in Chile and Canada, specializing in mining exploration services and advisory services, from early-stage prospecting to advanced-stage exploration.
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Key contacts
Get the contact information of thousands of key executives that drive business in Latin America.
- Name
- Position: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Business Development Manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Project Manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Head of Procurement
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: HR Director
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: HR Director
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Production manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Marketing manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
Subscribe to Latin America’s most trusted business intelligence platform.
Other projects in: Infrastructure (Chile)
Get critical information about thousands of Infrastructure projects in Latin America: what stages they're in, capex, related companies, contacts and more.
- Project: Atacama Regional Airport - Second Concession
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 month ago
- Project: North Railway Access to Concepción
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 month ago
- Project: Santiago - Batuco train
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 month ago
- Project: Araucanía Metrotrain (Temuco - Gorbea Train)
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 month ago
- Project: Ñuble new regional hospital (Chillán Hospital)
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 month ago
- Project: Caracoles tunnel reconditioning
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 month ago
- Project: Cruise port in Puerto Montt
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 month ago
- Project: Punta Caullahuapi Port Expansion (Puerto Chincui)
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 month ago
- Project: Route 5, Temuco - Río Bueno section and access to Valdivia (2nd concession)
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 month ago
- Project: Magellan Strait Underwater Tunnel
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 month ago
Other companies in: Infrastructure (Chile)
Get critical information about thousands of Infrastructure companies in Latin America: their projects, contacts, shareholders, related news and more.
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At DESARROLLOS CONSTRUCTIVOS AXIS SA we are dedicated to materializing highly complex construction works, with active participation in the development and materialization of wor...
- Company: Cementos Bío Bío S.A.  (Cementos Bio Bio)
Chilean cement producer Cementos Bío Bío produces and sells building materials for construction and mining projects. Its operations are divided into two business areas: Cement, ...
- Company: Geodetec Ingeniería SpA  (Geodetec)
The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...
- Company: Inso Chile
Inso Chile is the Chilean branch of the Italian firm Inso S.P.A., founded in the 1960s and controlled by the Società Italiana per Condotte d'Acqua S.p.A of the Ferfina Group sin...
- Company: Consorcio DDQ - Gesvial - Subterra
- Company: Sociedad Concesionaria Hospitales Red Biobío S.A.  (Hospitales Red Biobío S.A.)
Sociedad Concesionaria Hospitales Red Biobío SA is a company formed by Obrascón Huarte Lain SA, Agency in Chile, and Senda Infraestructuras SLU for the execution of the Group II...
- Company: UTP Grupo Inso Hospital de Ñuble
News in: Infrastructure (Chile)

Chile's environmental approvals and submissions drop in January
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Chile key to Sacyr’s record project backlog
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