Company Profile

Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de la Provincia de Pichincha (Gobierno de Pichincha)

Get all the information about Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de la Provincia de Pichincha (Gobierno de Pichincha), a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Ecuador, which include Legislation & RegulationCargo terminalAirport road accessCable car systemsPrimary DistributionWaste managementDrainageWater chemicalsWater transferMultimodalHazardous wastewaterPassenger transportRadial Hazardous wasteRoadsConcessionsPassenger terminalFreight railwayRail TransportPotable water treatment plantsLandfillsBypassesStationsAccess roadsCorridorsFinesMetroBus rapid transit (BRT) systemTaxes & SubsidiesRural Electrification systemsSewer networksHigh speed trainHighways - RoadsLight rail / Interurban trainBeltwaysPotable waterTransportRail lineWaste treatment plantsPoliticsRolling stockMonorailGlaciersDistribution networkWater reservoirPublic InvestmentSchoolsRunwayTunnelDetention centerSurface waterGovernment programSecondary DistributionWasteBilling systemPaving WorksState GovernmentBridgeIndustrial wasteDistributionAirportWater utilitiesStudiesFlood controlSubstationsSocial InfrastructureRemediationPotable water systemBorder complexWater metersGroundwaterIndustrial wastewaterHospitalWastewater treatment plantsWastewaterSmart GridsWidening WorksNetwork UpgradesSports centersAirport hub and Wastewaters reuse. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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