Company Profile

Governo do Estado de Paraná

Get all the information about Governo do Estado de Paraná, a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure and ICT sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Brazil, which include HospitalTunnelWater reservoirGroundwaterBridgePaving WorksDistribution networkBlockchainLight rail / Interurban trainSurface waterBypassesGlaciersPotable water treatment plantsHighways - RoadsPotable water systemRaw materials & FeedstocksE-CommerceSchoolsMetroRolling stockFinesDigital TransformationBorder complexRail TransportMonorailArtificial intelligenceWater transferGovernment programFreight railwayPublic-private partnership (PPP)ConcessionsSports centersWater metersRoadsWater utilitiesWidening WorksBig DataLegislation & RegulationBeltwaysPotable waterWater chemicalsHigh speed trainRail lineTaxes & SubsidiesEconomicsPublic InvestmentAccess roadsState GovernmentCorridorsSocial InfrastructurePolitics and Detention center. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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