Company Profile

Honeywell Colombia, S.A. (Honeywell Colombia)

Get all the information about Honeywell Colombia, S.A. (Honeywell Colombia), a company operating mainly in the Mining & MetalsOil & GasPetrochemicals and ICT sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Colombia, which include C4 fractionSatellite broadbandManaged ServicesConverged servicesFixed broadbandApp. serverMainframes & ServersSocial InfrastructurePublic telephonyEthanolCall CenterButadieneIntegration platformsPersonal computersLong distanceDetention centerSystems engineeringCloud servicesMobileFertilizerCRMSaaS, PaaS, IaaSERPPay TVPropyleneServices Productivity / EfficiencySelling & distributionData centersTrainingLocal telephonyTires & RubberCorporate ServicesPaints & InksBioplasticSoftwarePrivate LinksIPTVMPLSIP TelephonyInternetHousing & ProvidersSchoolsCoolantsTextiles & FibersEPC Contractor CompanyMobile broadbandOperating systemsFixed telephonyWeb serverDirectExplosivesSecurityFinal productsHardwareAppsDTH /  SatelliteBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)5gDocumentingBack upGases & industrial gasesSolventsDevelopment ToolsCable TVProjects developmentWi-FiSports centersDatabasesTabletsAdhesives & SealantsProductionHospitalOlefinsMobile devicesStructured cablingLubricantsBorder complexTestingEthyleneStorageOTTProgramming & DevelopingConsultancyPlastics & ResinsTrade and Indirect. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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