Company Profile

IECSA Brasil Ltda.

Get all the information about IECSA Brasil Ltda., a company operating mainly in the Electric PowerPetrochemicalsWater & WasteOil & Gas and Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Argentina, which include Wastewater treatment plantsBus rapid transit (BRT) systemCargo terminalCement plantMetroCable car systemsPotable waterPort authoritiesShipping companiesPassenger transportBeltwaysPassenger terminalsHighways - RoadsAirport hubAirport road accessDry portsIndustrial ContractingServices Oil terminalsCranesAccess roadsStatisticsTunnelPort HubBilling systemTraffic / CargoMarket Prices and ForecastsMonorailDredgingBulk commodity terminalsContainer terminalsCorridorsRolling stockConstruction Contractor CompanyDistribution networkPort efficiencyStudiesStationsPorts & ShippingRail lineTransportWastewaterMulti-purpose portsCanalBridgeRoadsBypassesLubricantsAirportFluvialPaving WorksMultimodalRail TransportRunwayFreight railwayTradeWaterways and Passenger terminal. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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