Company Profile

Ilustre Municipalidad de Puerto Montt

Get all the information about Ilustre Municipalidad de Puerto Montt, a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Chile, which include DistributionGroundwaterBilling systemSewer networksBorder complexPotable water systemIndustrial wastewaterDetention centerPotable water treatment plantsWater reservoirDistribution networkSocial InfrastructureMetroSurface waterNetwork UpgradesSmart GridsRolling stockGovernment programWastewaterGlaciersSubstationsWater transferMonorailWastewater treatment plantsCable car systemsLocal GovernmentWastewaters reuseSports centersHospitalWater metersPassenger transportRadial MultimodalDrainageWater utilitiesRail TransportSecondary DistributionFreight railwayConcessionsPrimary DistributionRural Electrification systemsSchoolsTaxes & SubsidiesHigh speed trainPublic InvestmentBus rapid transit (BRT) systemWater chemicalsPotable waterStationsHazardous wastewaterRail lineTransport and Light rail / Interurban train. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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