Company Profile

Instalaciones Inabensa, S.A. (Inabensa)

Get all the information about Instalaciones Inabensa, S.A. (Inabensa), a company operating mainly in the Electric Power sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Spain, which include Access roadsFixedNatural Gas GenerationPort authoritiesGeothermalRenewableBypassesBus rapid transit (BRT) systemSocial InfrastructureMetroInland PortThermoSolarCoal GenerationGenerationFluvialPhotovoltaicWaterwaysBridgeFreight railwayWindBilling systemTower, DuctPortMultimodalPorts & ShippingRoadsTidal/Wave energyDetention centerShipping companiesDredgingTransportMobile infraBeltwaysLTE-MLight rail / Interurban trainStationsMulti-purpose ports4G LTEOffshore WindHighways - RoadsWater levelsHigh speed trainRail linePort HubThermosolar CSPNuclearCorridorsRolling stockMonorailNetworksSmall cellsTransmission LinesContainer terminalsFossil fuelsHydro DamPost-PanamaxSchoolsFiberCranesOil terminalsPaving WorksRail TransportTunnelWidening WorksCable, copper, other infra3GOnshore WindBunker oil/Diesel oilPassenger transportMultimodalMini HydroDry portsHospitalMicrowaveHydroPort efficiencyWi-Fi/WiMaxTransmissionBorder complexRun of the riverCombined cycleBulk commodity terminalsDeepwater portFuel oilsCable car systemsSports centersCanalBackboneSatelliteEngineering Contractor CompanyPassenger terminalsBiomass and Infra. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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