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Company Profile

Itron Compañía Chilena de Medición S.A.

Get all the information about Itron Compañía Chilena de Medición S.A., a company operating mainly in the ICTElectric Power and Water & Waste sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in United States, which include Shale OilApp. serverShale gas Gas ProcessingRenewableOil sandsShallow watersSoftware Development CompanyMidstreamNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeOil & GasGeothermalSolarERPBrentConventionalsWater transferThermoCoal GenerationTight gasDeepwaterType of hydrocarbonsStorage TerminalsGenerationNatural Gas GenerationTidal/Wave energyWater reservoirCrude oilBiofuelsTankersProgramming & DevelopingType of extractionCRMGeological mapping / SurveysWeb serverSurface waterProduction FacilitiesLocationPotable waterPotable water treatment plantsFuel SalesLiquefactionUnconventionalsWater chemicalsDatabasesHydro DamThermosolar CSPSubseaWater levelsSoftwareOffshore WindRefineriesGreen HydrogenOperating systemsOffshoreDownstreamNuclearCoalbed methaneLNGFossil fuelsWTIOnshoreGroundwaterBunker oil/Diesel oilProjects developmentNatural GasOil PipelinesRun of the riverPhotovoltaicCombined cycleWater metersBiomassHeavy oilWindGas pipelinesDevelopment ToolsFuel oilsRegasificationUpstreamDrilling rigsDistribution networkWater utilitiesGlaciersNatural Gas DistributionOnshore WindHydroMini HydroMexican Mix and Potable water system. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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