United States
Company Profile

Itron Soluções para Energia e Água Ltda.

Get all the information about Itron Soluções para Energia e Água Ltda., a company operating mainly in the Water & WasteICT and Electric Power sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in United States, which include Water transferShale OilApp. serverNatural Gas GenerationShallow watersNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeSoftware Development CompanyRenewableGeothermalPotable waterWater chemicalsBiomassBiofuelsGas ProcessingBunker oil/Diesel oilNatural GasMini HydroTidal/Wave energyThermoMexican MixPotable water systemWater reservoirCRMType of extractionERPWater utilitiesCoalbed methaneGroundwaterHeavy oilGenerationDeepwaterMidstreamWindTight gasSolarCoal GenerationGreen HydrogenOnshoreOil PipelinesPhotovoltaicSoftwareSubseaThermosolar CSPHydro DamRefineriesGlaciersNatural Gas DistributionDistribution networkOperating systemsOffshoreWeb serverHydroDownstreamLiquefactionProduction FacilitiesNuclearWater levelsOnshore WindGas pipelinesLocationFuel SalesOffshore WindCombined cycleWater metersDevelopment ToolsCrude oilRegasificationTankersUnconventionalsProjects developmentDatabasesDrilling rigsRun of the riverUpstreamSurface waterPotable water treatment plantsOil & GasFuel oilsFossil fuelsLNGType of hydrocarbonsWTIGeological mapping / SurveysBrentOil sandsProgramming & DevelopingStorage TerminalsShale gas  and Conventionals. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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