Company Profile

Mendes Júnior Trading e Engenharia S.A. (Mendes Júnior)

Get all the information about Mendes Júnior Trading e Engenharia S.A. (Mendes Júnior), a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Brazil, which include Shale OilPassenger terminalShale gas Passenger terminalsOil sandsShallow watersTariffsCargo terminalInland PortNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeBrentWater transferWaterwaysTight gasDeepwaterType of hydrocarbonsAirportAccess roadsFluvialMultimodalWater reservoirindustrial EngineeringRunwayMultimodalProductivity / EfficiencyCrude oilTankersSewer networksPortGeological mapping / SurveysTradeSurface waterHazardous wastewaterPorts & ShippingLocationPotable waterPotable water treatment plantsDredgingWater chemicalsShipping companiesContainer terminalsPort HubSubseaWastewaterMulti-purpose portsPost-PanamaxRefineriesTraffic / CargoOffshoreCoalbed methaneCranesConstruction Contractor CompanyOil terminalsWTIOnshoreGroundwaterNatural GasWater metersHeavy oilGas pipelinesCanalDrainageWastewaters reuseUpstreamDry portsDrilling rigsIndustrial wastewaterBulk commodity terminalsDeepwater portPort efficiencyDistribution networkWater utilitiesAirport road accessGlaciersAirport hubWastewater treatment plantsPort authoritiesMexican Mix and Potable water system. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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