Company Profile

Ministerio de Energía y Minas de la República del Perú (Minem Perú)

Get all the information about Ministerio de Energía y Minas de la República del Perú (Minem Perú), a company operating mainly in the Mining & Metals sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Peru, which include DeepwaterGeothermalRenewablePlatinumPrimary DistributionOil & GasSolarCoal GenerationGenerationMidstreamType of hydrocarbonsPhotovoltaicWindBiofuelsOil PipelinesTight gasPotashTidal/Wave energyLithiumCrude oilSteelFuel SalesLimestoneGas ProcessingOther Precious metalsLiquefactionGovernment programThermosolar CSPAlumina / AluminumGoldFinesLeadCobaltRefineriesCoalbed methaneNatural Gas DistributionVanadiumGreen HydrogenPublic InvestmentStorage TerminalsProductionBunker oil/Diesel oilDrilling rigsHydroManganeseGraphiteTransmissionFederal GovernmentFuel oilsIodineMarket Prices and ForecastsTungstenNatural GasNiobiumBiomassTinRegulatorNetwork UpgradesNatural Gas GenerationSmart GridsPalladiumShale OilTaxes & SubsidiesBauxiteMetallicBrentNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeThermoIllegal miningConcessionsConventionalsDistributionOil sandsOnshoreGeological mapping / SurveysShale gas Type of extractionSilverIron oreAntimonyPublic-private partnership (PPP)LocationUnconventionalsMolybdenumLegislation & RegulationTankersOther base metalsZincOffshore WindCopperWater levelsSecondary DistributionRural Electrification systemsSubseaNuclearPrecious stonesDownstreamWTIUraniumProduction FacilitiesTransmission LinesFossil fuelsHydro DamLimeNickelDiamondBoratePrivatizationRadial Onshore WindCoalMini HydroMexican MixRegasificationHeavy oilRun of the riverCombined cycleTitaniumLNGShallow watersRare earth elements (REE)Non metallicGas pipelinesUpstreamOffshoreSubstationsPhosphate and Sulphur. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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