Company Profile


Get all the information about OAS S.A. (OAS), a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Brazil, which include Shale OilPassenger terminalShale gas Passenger terminalsGas ProcessingHighways - RoadsOil sandsShallow watersMidstreamCargo terminalInland PortNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeBrentWaterwaysTight gasDeepwaterWaste managementType of hydrocarbonsAirportFluvialPublic-private partnership (PPP)RunwayMultimodalCrude oilTankersSewer networksPortGeological mapping / SurveysHazardous wastewaterPorts & ShippingWaste treatment plantsLocationMetroHazardous wasteDredgingShipping companiesLandfillsContainer terminalsPort HubSubseaIndustrial wasteWastewaterMulti-purpose portsPost-PanamaxRefineriesOffshoreCoalbed methaneCranesLNGConstruction Contractor CompanyOil terminalsWTIWasteDamsOnshoreNatural GasOil PipelinesHeavy oilGas pipelinesCanalDrainageWastewaters reuseUpstreamDry portsDrilling rigsWater pipelinesConcessionsIndustrial wastewaterBulk commodity terminalsDeepwater portPort efficiencyAirport road accessAirport hubRemediationWastewater treatment plantsPort authorities and Mexican Mix. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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