Company Profile

Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería (Osinergmin)

Get all the information about Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería (Osinergmin), a company operating mainly in the Electric PowerMining & Metals and Oil & Gas sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Peru, which include PalladiumNetwork UpgradesShale OilTaxes & SubsidiesNatural Gas GenerationSmart GridsNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeSubstationsZincTungstenMolybdenumLegislation & RegulationUnderground miningCopperBunker oil/Diesel oilDistributionOther base metalsNatural GasMini HydroThermoIron oreAntimonyType of extractionCoalbed methaneBauxiteHeavy oilIllegal miningStatisticsConcessionsOnshorePublic InvestmentCobaltVanadiumSubseaThermosolar CSPPrecious stonesOther Precious metalsFinesNatural Gas DistributionLeadIodineHydroFederal GovernmentLiquefactionGoldAlumina / AluminumWater levelsLocationNiobiumTinDrilling rigsFuel oilsMetallicType of hydrocarbonsGeological mapping / SurveysManganeseMinerals & MetalsGovernment programOil sandsStorage TerminalsShale gas Shallow watersPrimary DistributionRare earth elements (REE)PlatinumRenewableProspecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resourcesMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products LimestoneGeothermalTransmissionGraphitePhosphateLithiumOpen pit miningBiomassBiofuelsGas ProcessingTidal/Wave energyLegal issues / Legal AdviceMexican MixLimeGenerationDeepwaterMidstreamTypes of miningWindPotashTight gasSolarCoal GenerationDiamondOil PipelinesNickelPhotovoltaicRural Electrification systemsTitaniumHydro DamTransmission LinesRefineriesOffshoreStudiesNon metallicDownstreamProduction FacilitiesNuclearSteelOnshore WindGas pipelinesOffshore WindSulphurCombined cycleCrude oilRegasificationTankersUnconventionalsCoalRun of the riverRadial UpstreamOil & GasSilverFossil fuelsLNGWTIUraniumSecondary DistributionBorateBrent and Conventionals. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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