Company Profile

Pemex Logística

Get all the information about Pemex Logística, a company operating mainly in the Oil & Gas sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Mexico, which include Shale OilShallow watersNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeCargo terminalMidstream CompanyPort authoritiesShipping companiesPassenger terminalsBiofuelsAirport hubAirport road accessGas ProcessingNatural GasDry portsMexican MixType of extractionCoalbed methaneHeavy oilOil terminalsDeepwaterCranesMidstreamWater pipelinesPort HubTight gasGreen HydrogenOnshoreOil PipelinesSubseaDredgingBulk commodity terminalsContainer terminalsRefineriesPost-PanamaxNatural Gas DistributionPort efficiencyOffshoreDownstreamLiquefactionProduction FacilitiesPorts & ShippingDeepwater portGas pipelinesLocationFuel SalesMulti-purpose portsCanalCrude oilRegasificationTankersUnconventionalsMultimodalDrilling rigsUpstreamPortOil & GasLNGType of hydrocarbonsWTIGeological mapping / SurveysLogistics / Supply ChainsInland PortAirportFluvialBrentOil sandsStorage TerminalsRunwayTradeWaterwaysShale gas Conventionals and Passenger terminal. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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