
Secretaría Regional Ministerial de Obras Públicas, Región del Biobío (SEREMI de Obras Públicas del Biobío)

Get all the information about Secretaría Regional Ministerial de Obras Públicas, Región del Biobío (SEREMI de Obras Públicas del Biobío), a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Chile, which include Paving WorksLight rail / Interurban trainPorts & ShippingLocal GovernmentBulk commodity terminalsWater reservoirWaste treatment plantsDistribution networkGroundwaterCanalRolling stockWastewaterHospitalHigh speed trainWater & WasteMulti-purpose portsFlood controlDamsWater shortagesAgriculture & Industrial WaterCranesRemediationIndustrial wastewaterBilling systemDry portsIndustrial wastePort HubInfrastructureShipping companiesCement plantWaste managementDrainageFluvialMultimodalPassenger transportWater pipelinesCable car systemsRoadsWidening WorksPortCargo terminalIndustrial water efficiencyWater metersAirport hubWater chemicalsAirport road accessTransportPassenger terminalsPotable waterHighways - RoadsStationsMetroIrrigation systemLandfillsBypassesPassenger terminalInland PortBridgePort efficiencySurface waterDredgingGlaciersSewer networksPotable water systemMultimodalDeepwater portRail lineOil terminalsCorridorsSocial InfrastructureAccess roadsRegulatorPort authoritiesWater utilitiesPost-PanamaxDetention centerTunnelHazardous wastewaterDesalination plantHazardous wasteWastewater treatment plantsSports centersBeltwaysWastewaters reuseWaterwaysAirportWasteBorder complexSchoolsBus rapid transit (BRT) systemPotable water treatment plantsContainer terminalsMonorailWater transferRunwayRail Transport and Freight railway. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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