Company Profile

Selva María Oil S.A. (Selva María Oil)

Get all the information about Selva María Oil S.A. (Selva María Oil), a company operating mainly in the Oil & Gas sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Argentina, which include LeadIodineWTIOffshoreUraniumDiamondCoalbed methaneSulphurLNGNatural Gas DistributionLimeBorateUpstreamDownstreamGas pipelinesAlumina / AluminumCobaltVanadiumRegasificationSubseaRefineriesOil PipelinesNickelTitaniumPotashTight gasType of extractionStorage TerminalsPrecious stonesAntimonyMinerals & MetalsLimestoneGeological mapping / SurveysFuel SalesOil sandsIron oreMolybdenumOpen pit miningUpstream CompanyCopperOther base metalsCrude oilTankersUnconventionalsBiofuelsMetallicSilverSteelGas ProcessingLocationLithiumLiquefactionProduction FacilitiesOther Precious metalsDeepwaterMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products ZincType of hydrocarbonsTungstenPlatinumBauxitePhosphateUnderground miningConventionalsIllegal miningShale gas PalladiumOnshoreProspecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resourcesRare earth elements (REE)BrentNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeShale OilOil & GasTypes of miningManganeseGraphiteNiobiumCoalGreen HydrogenProductionMidstreamShallow watersDrilling rigsNatural GasTinHeavy oilNon metallicGold and Mexican Mix. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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