Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. (Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas)
Get all the information about Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. (Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas), a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Spain, which include Engineering Contractor Company. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.
SENER is a privately-held company that focuses on engineering and construction. SENER Ingeniería y Servicios is a multidisciplinary company with activities in the aerospace, infrastructures and transport, power and renewables, oil & gas sectors. The firm's portfolio includes urban transport, roads and railways, ports and airports, water projects, single cycle and combined cycle thermal power plants, industrial oil and gas plants, solar farms, biomass power stations, among others. SENER was founded in 1956 and has regional offices in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico.
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Key contacts
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- Name
- Position: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
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- Name
- Position: Business Development Manager
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- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Project Manager
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- Name
- Position: Head of Procurement
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- Name
- Position: HR Director
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- Name
- Position: HR Director
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- Name
- Position: Production manager
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- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Marketing manager
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- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
- Phone:
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Other projects in: Infrastructure
Get critical information about thousands of Infrastructure projects in Latin America: what stages they're in, capex, related companies, contacts and more.
- Project: Quebrada Ancha – María Chiquita Highway (Caribbean Corridor)
- Current stage:
- Updated:
2 weeks ago
- Project: Oaxaca South Bypass
- Current stage:
- Updated:
2 weeks ago
- Project: Pontal do Paraná private use terminal
- Current stage:
- Updated:
2 weeks ago
- Project: Completion of the Bani Ring Road
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 week ago
- Project: Rehabilitation and Improvement of the Cerro de Pasco - Tingo María Highway
- Current stage:
- Updated:
2 weeks ago
- Project: Illapel new hospital
- Current stage:
- Updated:
2 weeks ago
- Project: Group III hospital network (South central network): San Luis de Buin - Paine hospital
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- Updated:
2 weeks ago
- Project: Cerro Blanco Complex Development
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 week ago
- Project: Manta - Manaus Cargo Transfer Port (Puerto Providencia International River Terminal)
- Current stage:
- Updated:
2 weeks ago
- Project: C-50 Road
- Current stage:
- Updated:
2 weeks ago
Other companies in: Infrastructure (Spain)
Get critical information about thousands of Infrastructure companies in Latin America: their projects, contacts, shareholders, related news and more.
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The description included in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been modified or edited by the BNamericas’ researchers. However, it may have been...
- Company: Consorcio Typsa Engecorps
- Company: Sistemas Industriales y Navales S.L.U.  (Sintemar)
The description contained in this profile was extracted directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been machine...
- Company: Patricio Martínez Maximià Torruella Arquitectura, S.L.  (PMMT)
The description contained in this profile was extracted directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been machine...
- Company: Ingeniería y Economía del Transporte (Ineco)
The description contained in this profile was extracted directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been machine...
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The description included in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been modified or edited by BNamericas’ content team. However, it may have been au...
- Company: Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona, S. A.  (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB))
The description contained in this profile was extracted directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been machine...
News in: Infrastructure
Jala-Puerto Vallarta Highway has a saving of 2 and a half hours from Guadalajara to Banderas Bay, in Nayarit: Estev...
2,024 million pesos were invested in this 173 km road, which has 21 structures: 8 bridges; 13 vehicular crossings; a junction and a ...
CABEI approves initiative of up to US$725,000 to rehabilitate public health infrastructure in Honduras
These new resources will be used to restore 22 health facilities in the departments of Atlántida and Colón, benefiting some 60,000 people.