Company Profile

SENERMEX Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. de C.V. (SENERMEX)

Get all the information about SENERMEX Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A. de C.V. (SENERMEX), a company operating mainly in the Electric Power sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Mexico, which include Shale OilPassenger terminalShale gas Oil sandsBeltwaysCargo terminalNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeBrentThermoAirportAccess roadsNatural Gas GenerationRunwayBridgeTankersSewer networksGeological mapping / SurveysSurface waterHazardous wastewaterRoadsBypassesLocationHydro DamSubseaWater levelsOffshoreDownstreamNuclearLNGIrrigation systemCorridorsFossil fuelsWTIDamsOnshoreWidening WorksOil PipelinesRun of the riverPhotovoltaicCombined cycleWater metersHeavy oilWindGas pipelinesDrainageRegasificationTunnelUpstreamAgriculture & Industrial WaterDistribution networkWater utilitiesAirport road accessAirport hubOnshore WindMini HydroMexican MixPotable water systemGas ProcessingHighways - RoadsRenewableShallow watersMidstreamGeothermalSolarWater transferCoal GenerationTight gasDeepwaterType of hydrocarbonsStorage TerminalsGenerationTidal/Wave energyWater reservoirCrude oilBiofuelsPaving WorksProduction FacilitiesPotable waterPotable water treatment plantsFuel SalesLiquefactionWater chemicalsThermosolar CSPWastewaterOffshore WindRefineriesGreen HydrogenCoalbed methaneGroundwaterBunker oil/Diesel oilNatural GasBiomassFuel oilsWastewaters reuseDrilling rigsIndustrial wastewaterGlaciersNatural Gas DistributionDesalination plantHydroEngineering Contractor Company and Wastewater treatment plants. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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