Company Profile

Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona, S.A. (Agbar)

Get all the information about Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona, S.A. (Agbar), a company operating mainly in the Water & Waste sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Spain, which include Wastewaters reuseRecyclingWater metersWater transferWater reservoirDistribution networkWaste managementDrainagePotable waterHazardous wastewaterSurface waterWaste treatment plantsProductivity / EfficiencyWater pipelinesWater and Sewage CompanySewer networksGlaciersWater utilitiesWastewaterPotable water treatment plantsGroundwaterWater chemicalsIndustrial wastewaterPotable water system andWastewater treatment plants. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.


Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona, S.A. (Agbar) is a subsidiary of Suez Environnement España S.L. (100%), incorporated in 1867 as Compagnie des Eaux de Barcelone, focused on acquisition, production, distribution, collection, treatment and restitution of water in Europe and Latin America. Based in Madrid, it provides potable water and sewerage in the Metropolitan Region of Chile through its subsidiary Aguas Andinas S.A.. It also offers water analysis services (through subsidiary Anam S.A.), wastewater management (EcoRiles S.A.) and technical advice on drinking water and sewerage networks (Gestión & Servicios S.A.).

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Key contacts

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  • Name Blurred
  • Position: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
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  • Name Blurred
  • Position: CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: Business Development Manager
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: Project Manager
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: Head of Procurement
  • Phone: Blurred
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  • Name Blurred
  • Position: HR Director
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: HR Director
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  • Position: Production manager
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: Marketing manager
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred
  • Name Blurred
  • Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
  • Phone: Blurred
  • Corporate email: Blurred

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Company Information

Business name
Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona, S.A.
Santa Leonor 39, Madrid, Madrid, 28037
Corporate email