Company Profile

Subsecretaría de Participación Público Privada (SPPP)

Get all the information about Subsecretaría de Participación Público Privada (SPPP), a company operating mainly in the InfrastructureWater & WasteElectric Power and ICT sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Argentina, which include RenewableGeothermalSolarBilling systemWater transferThermoCoal GenerationIndustrial water efficiencyWaste managementGenerationMainframes & ServersNatural Gas GenerationMultimodalTidal/Wave energyWater reservoirPersonal computersPublic-private partnership (PPP)Sewer networksTabletsFreight railwayRail TransportSurface waterHazardous wastewaterLight rail / Interurban trainWaste treatment plantsTransportPotable waterPotable water treatment plantsMetroHazardous wasteBus rapid transit (BRT) systemStationsWater chemicalsLandfillsHardwareHydro DamThermosolar CSPHigh speed trainIndustrial wasteGovernment programWater levelsRail lineWastewaterEconomicsWater & WasteRolling stockPublic InvestmentOffshore WindNuclearWater shortagesIrrigation systemFossil fuelsStorageMonorailWasteDamsGroundwaterBunker oil/Diesel oilRun of the riverPhotovoltaicCombined cycleWater metersMobile devicesBiomassWindFuel oilsDrainageWastewaters reuseWater pipelinesFederal GovernmentAgriculture & Industrial WaterIndustrial wastewaterDistribution networkWater utilitiesGlaciersRemediationOnshore WindFlood controlDesalination plantHydroCable car systemsWastewater treatment plantsMini HydroPassenger transport and Potable water system. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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