TGT Gamas S.A.S. (TGT Gamas)
Get all the information about TGT Gamas S.A.S. (TGT Gamas), a company operating mainly in the Oil & Gas sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Colombia, which include Engineering Contractor Company, Industrial Services, industrial Engineering, Industrial Contracting andDrilling rigs. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.
TGT Gamas is a Colombian firm that operates in the oil and gas industry, where it provides mud logging services. Its product offering involves support and services during and after the drilling of exploration, production and stratigraphic wells, including geochemical analysis, mass spectrometry services, data transmission, wellsite geological services, rig instrumentation, real time data acquisition and core analysis, among others. Founded in 1985 and based in Tocancipá, TGT Gamas has a branch office in Peru.
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Key contacts
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- Name
- Position: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Business Development Manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Project Manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Head of Procurement
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- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: HR Director
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- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: HR Director
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Production manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: Marketing manager
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
- Name
- Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
- Phone:
- Corporate email:
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Other projects in: Oil & Gas (Colombia)
Get critical information about thousands of Oil & Gas projects in Latin America: what stages they're in, capex, related companies, contacts and more.
- Project: YAMU block
- Current stage:
- Updated:
4 years ago
- Project: MATAMBO block
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 year ago
- Project: VMM block 1
- Current stage:
- Updated:
4 years ago
- Project: SAN LUIS Block
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 year ago
- Project: SAMICHAY B block
- Current stage:
- Updated:
3 years ago
- Project: Tapir Block
- Current stage:
- Updated:
3 months ago
- Project: Block LLA 55
- Current stage:
- Updated:
4 years ago
- Project: Block LLA 32
- Current stage:
- Updated:
4 years ago
- Project: BUENAVISTA block
- Current stage:
- Updated:
3 years ago
- Current stage:
- Updated:
1 year ago
Other companies in: Oil & Gas (Colombia)
Get critical information about thousands of Oil & Gas companies in Latin America: their projects, contacts, shareholders, related news and more.
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The description included in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been modified or edited by the BNamericas’ researchers. However, it may have been...
- Company: Scania Colombia S.A.S  (Scania)
The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...
- Company: Robert Bosch Ltda. Colombia  (Bosch Colombia)
The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...
- Company: Vector Geophysical S.A.S.  (Vector Geophysical)
The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...
- Company: Petroseismic Services S.A.  (Petroseismic Services)
The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...
- Company: Datalog Colombia S.A.S.  (Datalog Colombia)
The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...
- Company: Recumar Recursos Marítimos S.A.S.  (Recumar)
The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...
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News in: Oil & Gas (Colombia)
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