Company Profile

ZAMine Service Peru S.A.C.

Get all the information about ZAMine Service Peru S.A.C., a company operating mainly in the Mining & MetalsOil & GasPetrochemicalsInfrastructure and Electric Power sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Japan, which include PalladiumNetwork UpgradesManaged ServicesConverged servicesFixed broadbandShale OilIndustrial ServicesSmart GridsNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeMetroSubstationsZincCall CenterTungstenPort authoritiesMolybdenumIntegration platformsPassenger terminalsLong distanceSystems engineeringCopperCloud servicesDistributionOther base metalsNatural GasIron oreAntimonySaaS, PaaS, IaaSPay TVCoalbed methaneSelling & distributionBauxiteHeavy oilTrainingIllegal miningCranesAccess roadsCorporate ServicesPort HubOnshoreCobaltVanadiumSubseaMPLSPrecious stonesMonorailDredgingOther Precious metalsBulk commodity terminalsContainer terminalsRolling stockMobile broadbandLeadPort efficiencyIodineLight rail / Interurban trainDirectPorts & ShippingGoldAlumina / AluminumAppsDeepwater port5gLocationNiobiumCable TVTinCanalDrilling rigsIndustrial Equipment SupplierMetallicType of hydrocarbonsGeological mapping / SurveysManganeseMinerals & MetalsRail TransportOil sandsFreight railwayWaterwaysShale gas Satellite broadbandShallow watersPrimary DistributionRare earth elements (REE)PlatinumPublic telephonyMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products LimestoneTransmissionGraphitePhosphateLithiumShipping companiesPassenger transportAirport hubMobileDry portsMexican MixServices LimeData centersOil terminalsLocal telephonyDeepwaterPotashTight gasDiamondNickelPrivate LinksRaw materials & FeedstocksIPTVIP TelephonyRural Electrification systemsTitaniumInternetHousing & ProvidersTransmission LinesPost-PanamaxFixed telephonyOffshoreNon metallicDTH /  SatelliteBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)Rail lineSteelDocumentingHigh speed trainSulphurMulti-purpose portsBack upCrude oilMultimodalWi-FiCoalRadial UpstreamPortStructured cablingSilverTestingWTIUraniumSecondary DistributionOTTInland PortFluvialMultimodalBorateBrentConsultancyRecyclingTrade and Indirect. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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