Panama , Guatemala and El Salvador

Central America power watch

Central America power watch

Panama’s energy department published the national universal energy access strategy as part of the country’s 2020-30 energy transition roadmap.

“This strategy that we are presenting seeks to consolidate the closing of the energy gap so that around 100,000 Panamanian families, especially in rural and indigenous areas, finally have electricity and have more efficient, economical and cleaner ways of cooking than using charcoal or firewood,” energy secretary Jorge Rivera Staff said.

The strategy, available here, outlines six lines of action: planning; modification of the legal and regulatory framework; financial innovation and partnerships; research and development and technological innovation and new businesses; education and community engagement; and institutional strengthening.


Guatemala’s power regulator CNEE approved, with modifications, bidding rules presented by distributors Deorsa and Deocsa, known collectively as Energuate, and EEGSA to help cover demand from May 1 this year to April 30, 2023.

Process 1-2022 is for 114.8MW, according to a resolution from the watchdog.

BNamericas reported previously that CNEE had greenlighted reference terms to draft the rules.


AES El Salvador announced that through its solutions division it recently built a 1.5MW photovoltaic park (pictured) for Apopa Energy in the municipality of Metapán, Santa Ana department.

The plant will inject electricity into AES Clesa’s distribution network.

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