Mexico , Chile , Brazil and Colombia

Snapshot: Scala’s pipeline of datacenter projects

Snapshot: Scala’s pipeline of datacenter projects

One of the largest datacenter companies in Brazil, Scala has a portfolio of five operational datacenters in the country, in addition to 11 under construction (building works and installation underway) in Brazil, Chile and Mexico.

The DigitalBridge-controlled group has another 14 projects (individual datacenters or campuses) in development, including its first ones for Colombia.

Different from being in construction, in development for Scala means pre-civil construction phases, comprising mostly permits, project development and mechanical, electrical and plumbing works, among others.

Furthermore, 10 more projects are being planned for all four countries, meaning datacenters or campuses that are still in the early stage, with scope definition, real estate deals, and power supply agreements secured, among others.

All projects are due to be operational by 2030. They would represent around 60 datacenters in the four countries. In comparison, regional market leader Ascenty currently reports 33 datacenters in operation and/or under construction in Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Colombia.

According to Scala, the company has over 2.9GW of clean energy supply secured through 2033.

Since the most recent projects started operations, Scala has taken on responsibility for the entire lifecycle of its datacenters, from design, project, construction management and delivery to operation. For this task, it launched a Center of Excellence in Engineering (CoE), with over 150 engineers and architects.

Sector players often commission construction, for example, to third-party companies. 

According to sources at Scala, this “full-insourcing” increases business security and reduces project development risks related to cash flow or supply problems of a contracted outsourced company, among others.

Overall, over 50MW of Scala’s IT capacity are being used via its datacenters, and more than 900MW of total IT capacity when considered expansions and future projects.

BNamericas provides an updated list of the company’s projects per country. 

Some of the planned sites do not have a specific name yet, so their planned location is used as project name. Projects in development and planned also do not yet have estimated IT capacity, as it largely depends on leasing contracts and market demands.


Number of active sites: 5 (SGRUTB01SGRUSP02, SGRUTB03, SGRUTB04 and SVCPCP01)

Main campus: Tamboré

Total IT capacity of sites: 50MW

Total built area: 54,445m2

Under construction:

– SGIGSM01 (Rio de Janeiro, 7.2MW of capacity, 6,577m2, planned start-up in 2023)

– SGRUTB05 (São Paulo, Tamboré Campus, 6MW, 6,751m2, 2023)

– SGRUTB08 (São Paulo, Tamboré, 24MW, 21,060m2, 2023)

– SGRUTB12 (São Paulo, Tamboré, 6MW, 6,529m2, 2023)

– SPOAPA01 (Porto Alegre, 4.8MW, 4,070m2, 2023)

– SVCPJD02 (Jundiaí, São Paulo, 24MW, 18,210m2, 2023)

– SGRUTB06 (São Paulo, Tamboré, 20MW, 21,060m2, 2024)

In development

– SFORPF01 (Praia do Futuro, Fortaleza, planned start-up in 2023)

– SGIGSM02 and SGIGSM03 (Rio de Janeiro, 2024)

– SGRUSP03 (São Paulo, 2024)

– SVCPCP02 (Campinas, São Paulo 2024)

– SVCPJD01 (Jundiaí, São Paulo, 2024)

– SVCPJD03 (Jundiái, São Paulo, 2025) 

– SGRUTB07 (Tamboré, São Paulo, 2026)

 Planned projects

– SGRUTB09, SGRUTB10 and SGRUTB11 (Tamboré, start-up date between 2023 and 2027)

– SVCPJD04 to SVCPJD10 (Jundiaí, 2023-28)

– SGRUTB13, SGRUTB14 (Tamboré, 2026/27)

– SGRUTB15, SGRUTB16, SGRUTB17 and SGRUTB18 (Tamboré, 2026/27) 


Under construction

– SSCLCR01 (Curauma, Valparaíso, 5MW, 8,850m2m, planned start-up in 2023)

– SSCLLP01 (Lampa, Santiago, 4.8MW, 6,540m2, 2024)

– SSCLLP02 (Lampa, Santiago, 18MW, 18,900m2, 2024)

In development

– SSCLCR02 (Curauma, 2024)

– SANTIAGO (Santiago, 2023/24)

 Planned projects

– SSCLCR03-SSCLCR07 (Curauma, Valparaíso, 2024-30)

– SSCLLP03-SSCLLP04 (Lampa, Santiago, 2025-27)

– SANTIAGO (Santiago, 2025)


Under construction

– SMEXTP01 (Tepozpark, Tepotzotlán, 7.9MW, 13,204m2, planned start-up in 2023)

In development

– SMEXSJ01, SMEXSJ03 and SMEXSJ04 (San Juán Del Rio, Querétaro, planned start-up from 2024 to 2028)

– SQROQT01 and SQROQT02 (Querétaro, Querétaro, 2024-28).

Planned projects

– SQROSJ02 (San Juán del Rio, Querétaro, 2025).

– SQROQT03 and SQROQT04 (Querétaro, 2028)


 In development

– SBOGZM01 (Zona Franca Metropolitana, Bogotá, planned start-up in 2023)

– SBOGZB01, SBOGZB02 and SBOGZB03 (Zona Franca Bogotá, 2024-27)

– BOGOTÁ (Bogotá, 2024-27).

Another project is planned for Bogotá, with 2024-27 as potential start-up date.

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