
Wind leading power generation growth in Peru

Wind leading power generation growth in Peru

Electricity production on Peru’s national interconnected power system (SEIN) rose nearly 3% in 2024 to 60,029GWh.

Of the total, hydro accounted for 51.3%, thermal (primarily natural gas) 40%, wind 6.52% and solar 2.1%, according to metrics from power grid coordinator COES.

The data reveals that generation from wind farms led growth for a consecutive year, up 66% from 2023 to 2,353GWh and an increase of 22% in 2022-23 to 1,930GWh.

The numbers show that wind represented 4% and 3.44% of total output in 2023 and 2022, respectively.

The uptick of the renewable energy’s participation comes amid the startup of new wind farms.

In 2024, two such plants came online: San Juan de Marcona (136MW) and Wayra Extensión (177MW), with installed capacity from wind up 52% year on year in December to 1,021MW.

Installed Capacity

December 2024 December 2023 Variation
Hydro 5,249.1 5,191.8 1.103%
Thermal 7,596.1 7,547.0 0.651%
Wind 1,021.3 672.2 51.934%
Solar 477.8 282.3 69.252%
14,344.2 13,693.3 4.754%

Source: COES

BNamericas recently reported that COES approved pre-operational studies for nine wind projects last year for a combined 1,632MW.


Solar also has made a notable inroad into Peru’s energy matrix, following wind in terms of generation growth.

These parks saw production in 2024 and 2023 grow 32% and 16%, respectively, to 1,262GWh and 821GWh.

Last year, three photovoltaic plants entered service: Clemesí (115MW), Matarani (80MW) and Carhuaquero (0.55MW).

Prospects for a greater incorporation of intermittent power sources received a boost with the publication of a law which allows power distributors to procure capacity and energy independently in supply tenders.

A bill also was approved to extend a tax benefit for renewable energy.

Regarding the country’s principal power sources in 2024, hydro grew 11% to 30,811GWh while thermal slid 12% to 24,042GWh on improved hydrology.

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