
Dynegy generation sale could include Elcosa

US power company Dynegy (NYSE: DYN) has sold its minority stakes in five power plants, including three in the US, one in Pakistan and one in Honduras, according to Reuters. Spokesperson David Byford would not name the Honduran plant, and told BNamericas that more information on the transactions would be available at the end of this quarter. Likewise there has been no official comment on the size of the stake, the buyer, or the price paid. BNamericas believes the plant in question is Elcosa (Electricidad de Cortes), which owns an 80MW diesel-fired plant at Puerto Cortes. Elcosa has 7.7% of national installed capacity, and in the year to June generated 227GWh, 9.65% of all generation in the same period. Dynegy acquired the stake in Elcosa through its 1999 merger with Illinova, when it also picked up minority stakes in generation plants in Colombia, Jamaica and Peru. Other Elcosa owners are Finland's Wartsila, a group of Honduran businessmen, and the Scudder Latin America fund.

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  • Company: Inversiones Eléctricas S.A.  (Grupo IESA)
  • The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...