
Angra III would diversify power grid, proponents say

Proponents of the 1,350MW Angra III nuclear project in Brazil will hold the Forum Pro Angra III in Rio de Janeiro on Friday (Nov.28) to discuss ways to move the project forward, the state government said in a statement. Besides diversifying the country's power grid, advocates say much of the plant has already been paid for. The government has paid US$750mn for equipment to date. "The maintenance cost of this equipment is over US$20mn a year, money that will literally be thrown away with the shelving of the project," said state secretary of energy, naval industry and oil Wagner Victer. Edson Kuramoto, the financial director of the Brazilian association of nuclear energy Aben, said the cost of completing the project totals some US$1.8bn. "Compared to other undertakings, it is economically feasible. Fuel costs are less expensive than with thermoelectrics. Gas costs 45 reais/MWh, while nuclear fuel costs 10 reais/MWh. This is because uranium is produced domestically while gas is imported," Kuramoto said. Another reason for going forward with the nuclear plant is the reduction in operating costs through economies of scale, the ABEN official said. Brazil already operates two plants and the third would be placed next to the existing ones. If Angra receives the green light, there would be justification for completing the production cycle of uranium fuel, Kuramoto said. "The only step we lack is gasification, or the conversion of yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride. The cost of achieving this step is relatively low, some US$10mn," he said. The ABEN official downplayed fears about the disposal of nuclear waste, saying Brazil has adequate legislation. There is room at the Angra facilities to store waste temporarily, and the construction of another temporary waste disposal is being considered, Kuramoto said, adding that studies for a permanent disposal site are being undertaken.. Eletronuclear, a subsidiary of federal power holding Eletrobras, operates Brazil's two nuclear facilities Angra I and Angra II, located in Angra dos Reais, Rio de Janeiro state.

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