
Argentina launches tender for new 500kV transmission line

Argentina launches tender for new 500kV transmission line

The Argentine government has launched a public tender to hire a contractor for a public-private partnership (PPP) to build, operate and maintain the Rio Diamante transmission line, which will connect the Rio Diamante transformer station in Mendoza province with a new transformer to be built in Coronel Charlone in Buenos Aires province.

According to documents from the energy ministry, the 500kV line will extend for 487km and the project includes complementary works with a 132kV capacity that will link the main line with provincial power systems. The contract also involves the operation and maintenance of the line for a 10-year period.

The term for execution of the works is 36 months from the date that the contract is signed.

Electrical interconnection plan. Source: Secretaría de Energía.

The tender has an estimated construction budget of US$100mn and includes, among other items, US$52mn to erect 500km of high-voltage lines and US$21mn to build the new transformer station in the town of Coronel Charlone.

Created with Highcharts 7.0.3 MW

Consultations may be carried out until May 10 and bids will be received until May 27, which is when evaluation of the technical offers will begin. The latter must be delivered in a separate envelope from the economic bids.

Assessment of the economic offers of bidders that have passed the technical evaluation

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