
Argentina prepares for hydropower plant handover


Argentina’s government is preparing to take over operations of five hydroelectric power stations on the Limay and Neuquén rivers. 

The 30-year concession contracts for the plants are due to expire this half.

In a resolution, the federal energy department, citing the need to safeguard plant and staff safety in the transition period, ordered the concessionaires to continue running them for 60 days once the contracts expire, a period that is extendable by 60 days more. State energy company Energía Argentina will play an oversight role.

The plants are El Chocón (pictured) and Arroyito, operated by Enel; Alicurá, operated by AES Argentina; Cerro Colorados, run by Orazul Energy; and Piedra del Aguila, operated by Central Puerto.

The contract for Piedra del Águila is due to expire December 29, with the contracts for the others scheduled to end August 11.

Neuquén province, along with neighboring Río Negro – home to the facilities – had opposed the federal government move and petitioned for an active role in the administration of the plants. Last year the provinces “ratified the convenience and need to intervene in everything related to the administration, operation, maintenance, commercial usage and conservation of hydroelectric facilities.” 


Argentina may this week announce the winners of the RenMDI supply auction, local media outlet Energía Estratégica reported, citing industry sources. 

Award decisions were due July 6, with the contract signing period due to start July 11, according to information from wholesale power market administrator Cammesa

ALSO READ: Offers average over US$100MW/h in Argentina's latest renewables call

Argentina also has a thermoelectric supply auction pending. 


Argentine power sector regulator Enre is due to hold a public consultation on August 4 on the awarding of a certificate of public need and convenience for transmission line and transformer station work requested by mining firm Barrick Exploraciones Argentinas. The consultation concerns the Lama international power link. 

Barrick last year said it imported power from Chilean generator Enel. The contract is to supply 25MW of capacity for use at the Veladero gold mine, in San Juan province.

Click here for more details.  

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