Press Release

Arpel Event: Advancing the transformation of the region's oil and gas sector

Arpel Event: Advancing the transformation of the region's oil and gas sector

Arpel press release


Talara Refinery Modernization Project

Humberto Campodónico President of the Petroperú Board of Directors

Industrial Engineer from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería and Magister (MSc) in Development Economics from the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), France.

He was Chairman of the Board of PETROPERÚ S.A from 2011 to 2013 and currently holds the same position. He has served as Dean of the School of Economics of Universidad Mayor de San Marcos and is currently a Professor at the same institution.
He served as Regional Advisor in Mining and Energy of ECLAC, United Nations, in Santiago de Chile, Chile, and was Director of the Post-Graduate Unit of the Faculty of Economics of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru).
He is a Senior Researcher at the Center for Development Studies and Promotion (DESCO, Lima). He was also a consultant for the World Bank, the Andean Community of Nations and UNCTAD (Geneva).
He has published several books on energy (oil, natural gas), international economics and trade.


Moderator Daniel Monzón - Partner Arthur D. Little

He has provided assistance to both national and international energy, oil, and gas companies on corporate strategy, organization, and economic analysis in the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Africa.

Since joining Arthur D. Little, he has led studies to support National and International companies in taking organizational and investment decisions, as well as providing strategic assistance in refining, exploration, production, and transport, including international expansion.

He has extensive experience in refining & marketing, refinery valuation & conceptual design, technology selection and conversion upgrade feasibility, as well as the biofuels, LPG trading, and distribution businesses.

Claudia Kalamar ANCAP Refining Manager

Master in Energy Management, graduated from the Catholic University of Uruguay and Chemical Engineer graduated from UDELAR, Coordinator of Groups in Organizations.

Claudia Kalamar has 25 years of experience in refining at ANCAP, in positions of Process Engineer, Head of Process Engineering and Refining Manager, the latter position held since 2019, with a focus on sustainability and business transformation in a challenging environment.

Alejandro Vago Raízen Refining Director

Professional with more than thirty years of experience in the refining industry. Mechanical Engineer (ITBA – Argentina) and Master in Economics and Business Administration (ESEADE – Argentina).

He began his career at Shell CAPSA's Buenos Aires Refinery (currently Raízen Argentina S.A.) as a maintenance engineer working in different areas including Plant Shutdown Management. In the Planning Department of the refinery, he worked as a programmer and economist. He was the manager of the Purchasing and Contracting Department and the Regional Internal Audit Department (Southern Cone cluster). In 2001 he was assigned to Shell Global Solutions International (The Netherlands) as a refining management consultant, providing support services to external refineries and to the Shell group in several countries. In 2006 he returns to Argentina again, as Engineering Manager of the refinery. Later he takes charge of the Production Management and then the General Management.

Alejandro Floriani Advisor to the Vice President of Downstream PAE/Axion

He was Manager of the PAE Campana Refinery and currently he is the Downstream VP Advisor. He is a Chemical Engineer and has a 31-year history in Refinery, where he has held different leadership positions.

Walter Cánova VP Refining and Industrial Processes Ecopetrol

He is a Chemical Engineer from Universidad Nacional del Litoral, with an MBA from Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina. He has also majored in project management and management and leadership programs at universities in North Carolina and Houston, USA.

He joined the Ecopetrol Group in March 2017 as Vice President of Operations of Reficar SAS, and later, in 2018, he became General Manager at the Cartagena Refinery. He has more than 30 years of experience in the oil refining and logistics business, in companies such as ExxonMobil, Axion Energy and Puma Energy, where he held positions as Operations Manager, Project Manager and General Manager.

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