
Barbados launches water resilience project

Barbados launches water resilience project

Barbados launched on Thursday the WSRN S-Barbados water sustainability project, with which the government wants to achieve efficient water supply and transition to a new water management model.

Financing comes from a US$27.6mn grant from the Green Climate Fund, which is complemented by a US$17.6mn in-kind donation. The Caribbean Community Climate Change Center (CCCCC) also supports the program.

One of the project’s component entails improving storm resilience and a reduction of the water authority’s (BWA) carbon footprint. Through a second component adaptation and mitigation initiatives via a revolving adaptation fund facility are being boosted.

Component three strengthens resilience to climate change and interruptions to water supply, particularly to solve problems in the parishes of St. Thomas, St. Joseph, St. Andrew and St. John, which face frequent water shortages. The fourth component will improve the authorities’ capacity build and promote public awareness.

Relevant measures will be carried out over five years, the government information service said in a press release.

Officials expect that by the end of the program, the authority’s operating costs are lower, which would put the entity in a stronger financial position to continue investing in renewing the local water infrastructure.

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