
Belo Horizonte cancels landfill concession process

Brazil's Minas Gerais state capital Belo Horizonte has declared the bidding process for a new landfill concession void, a city official told BNamericas. The process was cancelled due to problems with the bidding rules, said the official, adding that a new process will probably be launched next year. Earlier this year, Vega, a consortium made up of companies Egesa, Lara and a French company, and Queiroz Galvao pre-qualified for the concession. The contract entailed a 25-year concession to build and operate a sanitary landfill to serve the city of some 3 million people. Belo Horizonte generates 2,500t/d of residential and commercial waste, plus 2,000t/d of construction waste. The area's current landfill has 2-3 years of useful life remaining.

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  • The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...