Press Release

Block 86 has significant hydrocarbon reserves


The following is a machine translation of a Petroecuador release

We inform that the team in charge of the Exploration and Production area of EP Petroecuador studied the characteristics of Block 86, located in the southeastern part of the country, Pastaza province, in order to demonstrate its potential and draw up development plans.

Based on this information, it was estimated that Block 86 has a POES (original oil volume in place) of 1,461 MMBLS (million barrels). There are five wells drilled in this area; the first in 1972, Conambo-001, by the company Amoco.

The current administration of EP Petroecuador is comprehensively reviewing oil prospects, putting at the service of the country the vast experience of the technicians who work on strategies to expand the oil horizon and generate new resources for Ecuadorians.

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